Monday, November 10, 2008

Mother of all Teachable Moments, Part III

Right now (November 10 2008) the canvass process is going on; this means that the outputs of the mark-sense machines are being added up. The actual ballots are not looked at yet. the mark-sense machines are not networked (probably a good thing) so the results have to be read off of counters and typed into a data base. Also, some absentee ballots are being entered but others are not because of disputes.

This is a canvass, not a recount. The canvass will surely show that a recount must be done.

The difference between Coleman and Franken is now about 200 votes out of 3 million, with Coleman ahead.

The disputes will be resolved later. Also, later, ballots will be examined to see if the intent of the voter is clear from the marked ballot even if rejected by a machine. Later, I will send you examples of mis-marked ballots from the Star Tribune.

Here is about 50 minutes audio of Mark Ritchie, The Secretary of State of Minnesota from Friday November 7, 2008.

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